Sun Neptune Conjunction

Daily Astrology

Sun Conjunct Neptune on Sunday, March 17th, 2024, at 7:22 AM EDT.

Neptune represents the oceans of energy and awareness in the Cosmos. As the tides of Neptune have slowly approached the Sun (our Soul), so gentle, healing waves have been cleaning our hearts, minds, and spirit of stagnant energies that no longer serve us. In the same way, the ocean is cleansed by waves, so are we letting go of pain, stress, trauma, illusions, disappointments, and heavy burdens. It’s all slowly being washed away.  Nature will always restore balance if we allow it. Sit with yourself on the shores of your life, breath and release, allow the waves to help you surrender and let it happen. A new dream awaits!

The Sun conjuncts Neptune today, and we have an opportunity to dream a new dream. What is your heart aching for? What is your heart asking you for? You may not know how exactly to go about giving your heart what it wants, but the Universe knows how. Ask for you want and let the Universe help and guide you. Neptune conjunct the Sun is helping us to surrender to the waves of change…to the path ahead…to the journey into the unknown…to embrace the sacred mystery…

We are inspired to dream a new dream. What is your dream for your life? Picture it clearly. Trust it. And if you dare…go deeper into your heart and ask, what is the Universe’s dream for me? What is the greater plan of my life? What does my Soul want for me? What is the Divine plan for me? Then, ask to be align with it. Merge your Soul with the greater Soul of the Universe. Trust and surrender. This is the opportunity of Neptune-Sun conjunction today, to merge with our Greater Self. To see your world and your life through the eyes of your Soul. To ask for help from the Divine and then receive it. To pay attention to the signs and synchronicities that the Divine places in our path so we may know the way forward. Many times in our lives we feel forgotten and lost, but we never walk alone. Invisible Guides, Teachers and Angels walk among us….always guiding us forward. Even in the darkest nights, the stars never leave us….they continue to shine the way…

Today, welcome a new dream, a new hope, a new adventure! Look at life as if you were a newborn child on Earth. If today was your first day on Earth, how would you approach life? How would you see the world? Open your eyes to a new life. It starts today…

Thank you for your support. Follow me for more @anamariapinedacom

Ana Pineda