Sun Mercury Cazimi

Your Astrology Is Here

Apr 11            7:03 PM         Sun 22 Ari 32 conjunct Mercury 22 Ari 32

Today, we stand at the center of the compass. We can see to all directions: past, present and future. We are invited to enter the heart of the Sun. We meet with the Divine in the Sacred Chambers, and we are steered to receive direction, clarity and solace. We are held. We are guided.

A Cazimi occurs today. An inferior conjunction between Mercury and the Sun in the sign of Aries. We are at the midway point of the Mercury Retrograde Cycle. Our minds are illuminated by the Light of the Sun. Awareness, insights, understandings, and new perspectives are awakening deep within us. The Light of the Sun is the beacon leading us out of the dark. Notice what is being lit within you. Notice what is becoming clear to you. Notice what is calling your attention in your life.

When Mercury rises from the beams of the Sun, around April 19th and 20th, the insights we have gained will be visible. The path ahead will be clearer.

Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac. It is the beginning. It is the doorway through which the Soul steps into life on Earth. When the Sun travels through this sign we have an opportunity to begin again, to be reborn and to be renewed. We become a sprout. Something is being born in our lives. Something is being initiated deep within our core. We are crossing a new threshold. We are aware. We are awake. Growth is possible.

In the palace of the Sun, the mind becomes still and is able to receive guidance from the Soul. We can hear the calling of our Soul. We can ask ourselves if that life that we are living is in alignment with our Soul’s truth and intention when coming to Earth? Am I living my Soul’s Purpose? Is my life a reflection of my innermost being? Am I listening to my truth?

Aries is said to be self-centered. In its highest form, it is centered in the True Self, the Higher Self, the Soul. Aries is the doorway through which we can step into the world as our Soul. Thinking, speaking and acting as our Soul. It is a sign of leadership. In this sign we can step into the world as the leader of our own lives.

The Sun-Mercury Cazimi is an invitation to think, speak and act in a way that is in alignment with your Soul. We are invited to make space in our lives for what truly matters to us. If Love matters, then making more space for love. If Abundance matters, then making more space for generosity and creativity.  If Peace matters, then making space to be peace in ourselves, our homes and our worlds.

The Cazimi today provides a profound opportunity to connect deeply with who you really are, and to see your life with new eyes. Every situation in our lives pushes us to grow and become better versions of ourselves. The words we choose to say, the actions we choose to take, define us. Mercury and the Sun are asking us to be aware of our choices. Are the choices you are making a true reflection of who you really are?

We always have a choice to act from the wisdom of our Soul or act from the personality/ego self. We are not judged. We are simply here to learn and grow. Aries is ruled by Mars, raw energy and fire. During this period, we become aware of our reactivity and impulses so that we can make better choices. We are aware of how our intentions, words and actions define our lives. Life is a mirror. Notice the mirror.

We are aware of how we are showing up in the world. We are aware of what needs to change. The world is a mirror reflecting back what we have created. Do you like what you have created? We are shown what needs to change and transformed.  We are given the power to change it. We have the power to choose. What choice will you make?

Today, we stand at the center of the compass of our lives. We can choose a new direction. What direction will you choose? How will you live your life? The Universe stands with you, fully supporting you. Take your time. Choose wisely.

Thank you for your support. Follow me for more @anamariapinedacom

Ana Pineda