Destiny and Your Inner Warrior

Your Astrology Is Here

The Sun conjuncts the True North Node in Aries today. We are preparing for the changes entering our lives as we cross the threshold of the upcoming Solar Eclipse. We have let something go. We have closed a door behind us. We have left the past behind. Now we stand infront of a new door. Will you open it? Will you enter it?

The Sun in Aries is exalted as it connects with the North Node of destiny. The Sun represents our identity, our Soul, the Light of our Spirit. Individually and collectively, the path is lit for us. We can step onto a new road now. The North Node of Fate is the guiding Light at the end of the tunnel. Whatever your tunnel has been, follow the Light today. We are asked to move forward into the unknown with confidence in ourselves and in the Universe.

Illumination, clarity and direction is being shown to us this week. We intuitively know what we need to do. Pay attention to how you feel. Sense and align with the wisdom deep in the core of your being. The North Node is inviting us to follow the path of our Soul, to connect deeply with the True Self. You now know what need to do to be happy. The North Node and the Sun are pointing us in the right direction. Destiny is unfolding. Notice, what direction have you taken with your life? This is time for course correction. Take the wheel and begin to drive towards what you want. Be clear and decisive. What destiny are you creating for yourself? What destiny is unfolding before you? Listen to your Life, it’s speaking to you.

The theme this month is that there is no knight in shiny armor that will come save you. YOU are the hero of your story. You are the warrior that will save you. Venus is coming to help you see that.

Tonight and into tomorrow, the warrior princess awakes. Venus, the Goddess of Love, Peace, Balance and Harmony enters the sign of the warrior, Aries. We are aligned with our innate superpowers. Find your inner strength. Align with your superpower. Find what that is. You are the hero you are waiting for.  Come to your rescue and stand in your power this month. The Universe will help you. Get to it!

More on Venus in Aries

Venus in Aries in astrological terms is said to be in detriment. Venus will stay in Aries until April 29th. Venusian qualities like diplomacy, gentility and softness are not easy to express in the energies of Aries. Aries is the sign of the warrior. It focuses its energies on what it wants and goes for it. Venus in Aries is impulsive, passionate, highly creative, enthusiastic, spontaneous, independent, pioneering, daring and innocent. However, we may be more impatient that usual during this transit. We want what we want and we want it now. So practice patience during this time. Venus in Aries can be argumentative, headstrong, aggressive, blunt and reckless. She is a lone wolf, who prefers to do things on her own. But when she’s not, she loves and defends her pack fearlessly. This month, know that you do not need to go at it alone. You are not alone. You have a tribe. Find and connect to your pack.

Venus in Aries, is innocent, naive and childlike, and they protect and value those same qualities in others. There is natural creativity that springs from them. Venus in Aries is an artist. Inspiration spontaneously arises from within, as fire burns deep in their belly.  During this transit, we need to create. We need to make things happen. Help move things along. Get creative. Start new projects. Pioneer. Be a leader.

Venus in Aries also acts before they think. So practice impulse control this month. Watch your words as we or others around us may be too blunt or rash. Venus in Aries is always on the go, eager for more. Always full of vitality, energy and drive. They are natural leaders, which makes them highly competitive. Compete with yourself and not with others. Use your will to get you moving ahead in your own life. Venus in Aries is fun and easily gets bored. We want to have fun during this transit. We want to go on adventures! This is a great month to plan or go on your next adventure. Time to break the mold and the usual routine. I like the concept of imagining one’s life as one, big adventure.

Every week or every day do something out of the ordinary. Do something fresh, new and inspiring. Surprise yourself! Follow your interests. Read. Explore. Go for new things. Expand your world. Broaden your horizons. Draw outside the lines. Venus in Aries is inspiring us to lead our lives with joy and enthusiasm. We keep searching for happiness. The work here is to recognize the happy moments that are already around you. Life is full of potential. Life is what you make of it. Our perception determines our experience. Change your perception. Create joy!

This month, choose your adventure! Activate the Hero within you. Be the warrior and the savior of your own life! You can and will do it. Have fun while you are at it! Follow your heart. Get inspired. Get creative. Smile. Go…your Life is now.

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Ana Pineda