Venus Saturn Conjunction

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Mar 21           7:09 PM EDT            Venus 12 Pisces 26 conjunct Saturn 12 Pisces 26

Venus has traveled through the whole Zodiac wheel  teaching each sign about love, relationships and money. Venus is currently in Pisces, the last sign of the Zodiac and the sign of her exaltation. In Pisces, the waters of the cosmos flow easily through the channels of love and harmony. The luminosity of Love is tangible and beams through our lives as we become aware of what we have outgrown, what needs to change and transform. After her travels through the Zodiac, she now encounters Saturn, Father Time, Lord of Karma and the Life Tester. It’s as if both planets seat down today for tea and speak of Venus’ travels through the zodiac and the lessons that have been brought forth to each sign.  We are now aware of the completion of lessons as a new set of lessons are prepared for us. Venus-Saturn is teaching us to be wiser about Love. What have we learned about love? About our sense of self-love and self-value? About valuing others? About generosity, kindness, fairness and justice? Saturn brings forth the tough life lessons, in ancient times he was also representative of grief, aging and dying.

Saturn conjuncts Venus today and we begin a new cycle. We notice how we have matured. How we have grown in the areas of love, relationships and money. We notice what cycles have been completed and what new cycles we are now ready for us. Saturn is showing us the Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Karma in our relationships with ourselves and with others. Karma is often misunderstood to mean some sort of punishment from the Divine. That’s not so. Karma means action. The Law of Karma is the law of action…what we sow, is what we reap. Notice your Karma in Love. Notice your Karma in relationships and with money. The consequences of our actions up to this point have lead us to where we are…how do you feel about where you are in your life? Be honest with yourself. Listen to your heart. Notice the state of your love life, relationships and finances and do so with love, compassion and kindness…being human is not easy….Notice what you have learned. Notice how you have evolved. Take the lessons with gratitude and Grace. Then, decide what to do next. You are wiser now. Act from your inner wisdom. Be compassionate for all who have walked with you on your journey through life. Be grateful for all your teachers. All the people, places and situations that have made you wiser and stronger.

Venus and Saturn now meet and begin a new journey. They walk as Guides with us through our next phase. We walk the threshold into a new story. A new lesson is given, one which will unfold as the eclipse energies take place in the next couple of months. We get an opportunity to build anew. Saturn is a builder. We get to create a new foundation, a new home for our heart. One that is solid, firm and stable. Like a bird building a nest, we build a sturdier nest for our hearts. We now take responsibility for our love, our relationships and our finances.

It's time to build new, sturdy foundations. Notice what you have learned. Put the lessons into practice. Walk forward with Venus and Saturn. Welcome the next lesson. Prepare to enter the new doorways ahead. We are entering the shadow period of the upcoming Mercury Retrograde this week. During Mercury Retrograde, we get an opportunity to redo, to repair, to renew and to rebuild. We have Venus and Saturn helping us through this journey. Think things through. Get clear in your heart. Take your time. Remember, Father Time is with you. Don’t rush, don’t push, don’t force. Be patient. Flow with Life. Just like a bird, build your life like a nest…one straw, one string, at a time…

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Ana Pineda