As Above So Below

Your Astrology Is Here

Venus and Mercury

The day is ruled by Venus. Venus is in Aries today conjunct Mercury Retrograde. The past may come to the surface. Lessons we have not learned are highlighted. Pay attention to your life.

The mind is infused with the energy of the heart. We are asked to pay attention to our relationships and to the ways we relate to ourselves and others. Notice the state of your relationships. Notice the state of your heart. Notice the state of your thoughts, words and actions.

The Universe is making us aware of how we relate to others. Just like when we were children playing in playgrounds. Are you sitting by yourself? Or are you playing with the other children? Are you inclusive? Are you playing fair? How do you play with others? How do others play with you? Notice how you show up in your relationships. Notice how others show up for you. The principle of relating is activated right now. The world is highlighting what we need to change at an individual level and at a collective level.

Jupiter and Uranus

The power of Astrology is reflected in the maxim, “As above, So Below. As within, so without.” The stars and planets are reflecting a mirror back to us right now. Mars, the planet of war, aggression, anger and action is sextile Jupiter, the planet of justice and wisdom, and Uranus, the planet of awakening and unpredictable, erratic change. And just as the Mars sextile perfects, we see the potential of another war beginning as Israel retaliates against Iran.

How are we relating to each other at the collective level? What is no longer serving us? What needs to change? How do we change it? These are some of the questions to think about as the Universe is reflecting back to us our own energy. We are being asked to change. Our thoughts, words and actions affect the world around us. We are all connected. It’s a spiritual lesson we will eventually learn. What we do to one, we do to ourselves and to the rest of the collective. We are being asked to play fair with the rest of the playground.

The Sun enters Taurus today and we are looking after what matters to us. We are acutely aware of our own needs and wants. But are we aware of the collective needs and wants? Are we so focused on our goals than we ignore the world around us? Are we so focused on what we need and want that we ignore how this drive may affect others? Are we aware of how our thoughts, words and actions affect others around us? How are you relating to the world around you? Jupiter and Uranus are making the spiritual lessons wider, broader and bigger. The spotlight is on humanity right now…

We are asked to redefine the Taurus sector of our chart. Taurus wants to be feel secure and safe. What do you do in order to feel secure? How do you define security? What do you when your security and safety is threaten? There is a valuable opportunity right now as Venus the ruler of Taurus is showing us our shadow self collectively and individually to redefine the ways we seek security and safety. We are asked to incorporate new ways to feel secure and safe that are inclusive. We are asked to relate in a way that promotes safety and security for the whole world.

How can we change the world? One thought at a time. One word at a time. One action at a time. One person at a time. We start with ourselves. The opportunity right now is to integrate our shadow.


Want to help the world? Look at your shadow. Notice the aspects of yourself that you push away, ignore and pretend are not there. Look at what you don’t like about yourself. Face the monster in the closet. Befriend the shadow. Hug the monster. Integrate the Light and dark within you. Invite the unlovable parts to have tea with you. Get to know these aspects of you. What are you learning from these aspects of yourself? What do they need from you? Love and accept them. Embrace and transform them.

In this way the world can begin to change. We can become the change we seek in the world.

Owning my shadow

I was driving yesterday in the expressway and my car almost collided with a fast, moving car that came at me from nowhere. I thought I was going to die. I wouldn’t mind dying alone but I was with my dog. I care about him and his safety. So I became mama bear. I got angry and aggressive and protective of my dog kid. I noticed what I do when I get protective. I noticed my shadow. And I said, no retaliation. Period. Not in my mind. Not through my words. Not in my heart. Not in my car. Period. I allowed myself to feel the fear and the anger…I allowed both to leave my body and my energy through my breath… I breathe through it and that was it.

No matter what comes your way know that you have the power to choose your response. Don’t let life, situations, people and circumstances choose for you. You choose your thoughts, words and actions. I choose to be peace to matter what the situation. I choose to have thoughts of peace, words of peace and actions of peace so that there can be more peace in the world through me.  It might not change the world but I won’t add to the fire.

Bigger Picture

Focus on the bigger picture right now. How do you fit in the bigger picture? Jupiter and Uranus began a new 14 year cycle this week. What will you birth into your life? What seed will you plant in your consciousness and in the world?

Venus conjunct Mercury today are inviting you to look for answers deep within the heart and mind. We are asked to place new seeds within us. What do you want to grow in your life? in yourself? in your world? It’s time to plant new seeds this week. Keep the big picture in mind.

Thank you for your support. Follow me for me @anamariapinedacom


Ana Pineda