Jupiter Uranus Conjunction

Your Astrology Is Here

Venus conjuncts North Node in Aries today. The North Node points us to our present and our future. We are being shown the way, pay attention to your life right now. Venus representing our heart’s desires, what we want and what we need is asking us to connect with our deepest self and make choices from the depth of our being. Venus is asking us to look deep into what we want and what we need. Are the things that you want in alignment with your core self? Are your desires coming from your personality/ego or from your Soul?  

Venus in Aries helps us to experience joy, awe and wonder. It is the wonder, curiosity and fun that we experience as children. What feels light, airy and fun to you these days? What gives you joy? What makes you smile? Do more of that in your life. Be playful. Have Fun. Smile More. These are some of the invitations that Venus in Aries has been giving us since Venus ingress into the first sign of the zodiac.

Venus in Aries has also been teaching us about self-love, self-care and about who we are and what we want. Venus in Aries is a Warrior Princess. She fights for herself. Fights for Peace, Love and Beauty. Venus in Aries is giving us the courage to be the heroes of our lives. Venus in Aries is teaching us to take our power back and focus on our own relationship with ourselves. It is time to befriend yourself. In that befriending you can recognize who you are and what you now want in your life.

The Sun will change signs on April 19th and enter the sign of Taurus. Venus rules Taurus. The Taurus parts of our charts will be activated, so take a look at that. But right before that occurs, Mercury visits Venus in a conjunction. Mercury, the mind and the ways we express ourselves in the world, and Venus will come together to help us put into place what we have learned over this period since the eclipse in Aries. Mercury is the Messenger of the Divine, as Mercury conjuncts Venus, we are receiving downloads of energy and information into our consciousness. Pay attention to your mind, to conversations, signs and synchronicities and above all your dreams. God speaks through dreams. Mercury will be giving Venus the next lesson plan right before the Sun enters Taurus. New ideas and new connections may show up sometime after the conjunction between Mercury and Venus.

The rest of the week is the unfolding story between Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus. Jupiter and Uranus are seeking freedom and liberation. Something in our Taurus part of the chart is being set free. We are ready to move forward, we’ve been lit up by Venus in Aries which rules the conjunction. Venus in Aries has been empowering us to define ourselves and choose a direction. Jupiter and Uranus is sudden, abrupt, quick and unexpected impulses of energy. It is very important to keep yourself grounded as you take action steps going forward.

Mars is adding impulsive and fiery energy to Jupiter and Uranus through its sextile on the 19th and 20th.  Mars is pushing both Jupiter and Uranus into action. However, this action can be impulsive, expansive and erratic. Expect the unexpected for the remainder of the month! Big breakthroughs and breakdowns are possible. Unexpected changes may occur. Things may be taken out of proportion. We may get over excited and act on impulse. Stay grounded. Watch for over indulgence (Jupiter) and rebellious, unpredictable (Uranus) behavior. There may be people around you or in society that just “snap.” Keep your cool and help others keep theirs. Don’t take things personally and practice patience. Keep your wits about you this month. Keep your mind and your heart balanced. Ride the wave of energies and guide them. But know that right now, anything is possible! Welcome change, don’t fight it…go with it. Go with the flow of Life.  

Jupiter and Uranus from the 18th through the 22nd are inviting us to look at the bigger picture and how we fit in the bigger picture. Jupiter-Uranus is asking us seek truth, liberation and expansion of our consciousness and our lives. We are invited to find hope, faith, optimism, joy, inspiration and meaning in our lives. We are asked to reconnect to what truly gives us happiness, meaning and purpose. This conjunction begins a 14 year cycle in our lives in the Taurus area of our charts! It’s a big deal so pay attention to what gets activated in your life. This conjunction can be a very favorable influence in our lives for after all Jupiter in ancient times, was known as the “King of the Gods.” So the King of the Heavens, is meeting with the planet that liberates us from stagnant energies and moves us forward into liberation and freedom. We are literally being set free! Notice your life. Notice where freedom, liberation and new opportunities and doors are showing up. Set your mind and your heart free…then notice what happens next!

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Ana Pineda